
GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 15891-1995
射频电缆 第四部分:超屏蔽电缆规范 第一篇:一般要求和试验方法(中英文版)
Radio frequency cables--Part 4:Specification for superscreened cables--Section 1:General require-ments and test methods
GB/T 9313-1995
General specifications for CRT display device of computer
GB/T 15841-1995
数字微波通信设备进网技术要求 2~8 GHz数字微波收发信机(中英文版)
Networking specification for digital microwave communication equipments 2~8 GHz digital microwave transceiver
GB/T 15300-1994
电子设备用电位器 第二部分:空白详细规范 螺杆驱动和旋转预调电位器 评定水平 E(中英文版)
Potentiometers for use in electronic equipment--Part 2:Blank detail specification--Lead-screw actuated and rotary preset potentiometers--Assessmentlevel E
GB/T 15299-1994
电子设备用电位器 第二部分:分规范 螺杆驱动和旋转预调电位器(中英文版)
Potentiometers for use in electronic equipment--Part 2:Sectional specification--Lead-screw actuated and rotary preset potentiometers
GB/T 15121.1-1994
信息处理系统 计算机图形 存储和传送图片描述信息的元文卷 第一部分:功能描述(中英文版)
Information processing systems--Computer graphics--Metafile for storage and transfer of picture description information--Part 1:Functional specification
GB/T 14077-1993
Measurement specification for birefractance crystal and polarizer
GB/T 13857-1992
Specification for microwave communication system remote supervisory and control equipment
GB/T 13856-1992
4 GHz微波联络机技术条件(中英文版)
Specification for 4GHz band microwave service channel equipment
GB/T 13503-1992
Generic specification for digital microwave radio relay communication equipment
GB 10494-1989
Technical specification for crossing signal equipment in wayside
GB 10493-1989
Technical specification for crossing signal equipment within the station
GB/T 9050-1988
模拟微波接力通信系统8 GHz微波通信设备总技术条件(中英文版)
General specifications for 8GHz band microwave communication equipment used in analogue radio-relay systems
GB/T 8553-1987
Holders (Enclosures), crystal, General specification for
GB/T 7509-1987
半导体集成电路微处理器空白详细规范 (可供认证用)(中英文版)
Blank detail specification for microprocessor semiconductor integrated circuits
GB/T 922-1986
Specifications for wood screws
GB/T 5599-1985
Railway vehicles--Specification for evaluation the dynamic performance and accreditation test
GB/T 5444-1985
The test methods for the technical specifications of subscriber line signalling for automatic telephone switching network

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