
GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 50363-2018
Technical specification for water-saving irrigation engineering
GB 17761-2018
Safety technical specification for electric bicycle
GB/T 36238-2018
General specification for roll-fed square bottom paper bag machine
GB/T 36273-2018
Digital interface technical specification for relaying protection and security automatic equipment in smart substation
GB/T 36222-2018
General specification for deep groove bearings of aircraft generators and motor generators
GB/T 36481-2018
信息技术 场景记录仪通用规范(中英文版)
Information technology—General specification for scene recorder
GB/T 36160.2-2018
分布式冷热电能源系统技术条件 第2部分:动力单元(中英文版)
Technical specification for distributed energy system of combined cooling,heating and power-Part 2:Power subsystem
GB/T 36277-2018
Technical specification for on-board static DC electric energy meter of electric vehicle
GB/T 35070.1-2018
停车场电子收费 第1部分:CPU卡数据格式和技术要求(中英文版)
Parking electronic toll collection—Part 1: Data format and technical specification for CPU card
GB/T 35070.4-2018
停车场电子收费 第4部分:关键设备检测技术要求(中英文版)
Parking electronic toll collection—Part 4:Technical specification for key equipment testing
GB/T 35070.2-2018
停车场电子收费 第2部分:终端设备技术要求(中英文版)
Parking electronic toll collection—Part 2:Technical specification for terminal equipment
GB/T 36469-2018
信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换局域网和城域网 特定要求 Q波段超高速无线局域网媒体访问控制和物理层规范(中英文版)
Information technology—Telecommunications and information exchange between systems local and metropolitan area networks—Specific requirements—Medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specification for Q frequency band ultra high speed wi
GB/T 35078-2018
高速精密热镦锻件 通用技术条件(中英文版)
High speed precision hot upsetting forgings—General specification
GB/T 35034-2018
Technical specification for safety monitoring devices of screw expander (unit)
GB/T 36473-2018
信息技术 文档拍摄仪通用规范(中英文版)
Information technology—General specification of documents camera scanne
GB/T 35086-2018
General specification for MEMS electric field sensor
GB/T 35046-2018
Technical specification for the production of national cotton color grade physical standard
GB/T 19828-2018
Technology specification of quality management for edible salt authorized enterprises
GB/T 10067.414-2018
电热和电磁处理装置基本技术条件 第414部分:工业宝石炉(中英文版)
Basic specification for electroheating and electromagnetic processing installations—Part 414: Industrial gem furnace
GB/T 36283-2018
General technical specifications for secondary cabin of smart substation
GB/T 36285-2018
Specification of steam turbine electro-hydraulic control system for thermal power plant
GB/T 36476-2018
General specification for metal base copper-clad laminates for printed circuits
GB/T 34868-2017
General specification for remanufacturing of waste copiers ,printers and duplicators
GB/T 34808-2017
农业气象观测规范 大豆(中英文版)
Specification for agrometeorological observation—Soybean
GB/T 34979.2-2017
智能终端软件平台测试规范 第2部分:应用与服务(中英文版)
Test specification for smart terminal software platform—Part 2: Application and service
GB/T 10404-2017
General specification for multipolar and two-speed electrical resolvers
GB/T 34838-2017
General technical specifications of equipment and installation for electronic musical instruments teaching system
GB/T 24458-2017
陶瓷金属卤化物灯 性能要求(中英文版)
Ceramic metal halide lamps—Performance specification
GB/T 34770-2017
Technical specification for aquatic products trading in wholesale markets
GB/T 21303-2017
Specifications for water measurement of irrigation canal system
GB/T 34830.1-2017
信用信息征集规范 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Collection specifications for credit information—Part 1: General principles
GB/T 34768-2017
Technical specification for fruits and vegetables trading in wholesale markets
GB/T 34991-2017
基于12.5kHz信道的时分多址(TDMA)专用数字集群通信系统 空中接口物理层及数据链路层技术规范(中英文版)
12.5kHz TDMA channel based professional digital trunking communication system—Technical specifications for physical layer and data link layer of air interface
GB/T 34881-2017
产品几何技术规范(GPS) 坐标测量机的检测不确定度评估指南(中英文版)
Geometrical product specifications (GPS)—Guidelines for the evaluation of coordinate measuring machine (CMM) test uncertainty
GB/T 20203-2017
Technical specification for irrigation projects with pipe conveyance
GB/T 34979.1-2017
智能终端软件平台测试规范 第1部分:操作系统(中英文版)
Test specification for smart terminal software platform—Part 1: Operating system
GB/T 34992-2017
基于12.5kHz信道的时分多址(TDMA)专用数字集群通信系统 空中接口呼叫控制层技术规范(中英文版)
12.5kHz TDMA channel based professional digital trunking communication system—Technical specifications for call control layer of air interface
GB/T 32419.6-2017
信息技术 SOA技术实现规范 第6部分:身份管理服务(中英文版)
Information technology—Specification for SOA technical implementation—Part 6: Identity management service
GB/Z 34792-2017
实验动物 引种技术规程(中英文版)
Laboratory animal—Technical specification for breeds introducing
GB/T 34802-2017
农业社会化服务 土地托管服务规范(中英文版)
Agricultural service—Specification for land trust service
GB/T 5588-2017
Technical specification for silver-nickel,silver-iron electrical contacts
GB/T 34932-2017
Technical specification for remote monitoring and control system of distributed photovoltaic power generation system
GB/T 34859-2017
General specification for brushless resolver
GB/T 34860-2017
General specification for slotless permanent-magnet motor
GB/Z 34935-2017
Technical specifications for oil-immersed smart power transformers
GB/T 34863-2017
Technical specifications for water turbine in cooling tower
GB/T 34864-2017
General specification for switched reluctance motor
GB/T 16857.2-2017
产品几何技术规范(GPS) 坐标测量机的验收检测和复检检测 第2部分: 用于测量线性尺寸的坐标测量机(中英文版)
Geometrical product specifications (GPS)—Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM)—Part 2: CMMs used for measuring linear dimensions
GB/T 34890-2017
产品几何技术规范(GPS) 数字摄影三坐标测量系统的验收检测和复检检测(中英文版)
Geometrical product specification(GPS)—Acceptance and reverification tests for digital photogrammetry 3D coordinate measuring system
GB/T 34879-2017
产品几何技术规范(GPS) 光学共焦显微镜计量特性及测量不确定度评定导则(中英文版)
Geometrical product specifications (GPS)—Metrological characteristics and guide to uncertainty of measurement for optical confocal microscopes

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