
GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 43238-2023
中国遥感卫星辐射校正场外场试验要求 通则(中英文版)
General rules for field test requirements for radiation correction of Chinese remote sensing satellites
GB/T 15879.604-2023
半导体器件的机械标准化 第6-4部分:表面安装半导体器件封装外形图绘制的一般规则 焊球阵列(BGA)封装的尺寸测量方法(中英文版)
Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-4: General rules for drawing outline drawings of surface mount semiconductor device packages - Dimensional measurement methods for ball array (BGA) packages
GB/T 24789-2022
General rules for the allocation and management of water measuring instruments for water use units
GB/T 23493-2022
General Rules for the Quality of Chinese Sausages
GB/T 41914.2-2022
微细气泡技术 微细气泡使用和测量通则 第2部分:微细气泡属性分类(中英文版)
Microbubble technology General rules for the use and measurement of microbubbles Part 2: Classification of microbubble properties
GB/T 42172-2022
精油 产品标签标识通则(中英文版)
Essential oils - General rules for labeling and identification of products
GB 15603-2022
General rules for warehouse storage of hazardous chemicals
GB/T 41914.1-2022
微细气泡技术 微细气泡使用和测量通则 第1部分:术语(中英文版)
Fine bubble technology - General rules for the use and measurement of fine bubbles - Part 1: Terminology
GB/T 13212-2022
General rules for the quality of canned water chestnuts (horseshoes)
GB/T 41680-2022
起重机 抗震设计通则(中英文版)
Cranes - General rules for seismic design
GB/T 22900-2022
General Rules for Evaluation of Science and Technology Research Projects
GB/T 26719-2022
General Rules for Statistics of Water Use by Water-Using Units
GB/T 40238-2021
建筑材料及制品燃烧试验 基材选取、试样状态调节和安装要求(中英文版)
Reaction to fire tests for building materials and products—General rules for selection of substrates,conditioning and mounting of specimen
GB/T 38442-2020
General constructions rules of gas burning appliances for domestic use
GB/T 27400-2020
合格评定 服务认证技术通则(中英文版)
Conformity assessment--General rules for service certification techniques
GB/T 21413.1-2018
Railway applications—Electric equipment for rolling stock—Part 1:General service conditions and general rules
GB/T 36863-2018
General rules for preservatives as mixed feed additive
GB/T 34149-2017
General technical rules for water conservation contracting
GB/T 20000.10-2016
标准化工作指南 第10部分:国家标准的英文译本翻译通则(中英文版)
Guidelines for standardization—Part 10: General rules for the English translation of Chinese national standards
GB/T 31991.1-2015
电能服务管理平台技术规范 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Technical specification of electric energy service management platform— Part 1: General rules
GB/T 31720-2015
病媒生物抗药性治理 总则(中英文版)
Insecticide resistance management for vector—General rules
GB/T 19668.1-2014
信息技术服务 监理 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Information technology service―Surveillance―Part 1:General rules
GB 16917.1-2014
家用和类似用途的带过电流保护的剩余电流动作断路器(RCBO) 第1部分: 一般规则(中英文版)
Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBOs)—Part 1: General rules
GB 16916.1-2014
家用和类似用途的不带过电流保护的剩余电流动作断路器(RCCB) 第1部分: 一般规则(中英文版)
Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCB)―Part 1: General rules
GB/T 30240.1-2013
公共服务领域英文译写规范 第1部分:通则(中英文版)
Guidelines for the use of english in public service areas—Part 1: General rules
GB/T 28219-2011
General rules of intelligentization technology for intelligent household appliances
GB/T 26757-2011
General technical rules for voluntary agreement of energy conservation
GB/T 26113-2010
微机电系统(MEMS)技术 微几何量评定总则(中英文版)
Micro-electromechanical system technology - General rules for the assessment of micro-geometrical parameters
GB/T 26112-2010
微机电系统(MEMS)技术 微机械量评定总则(中英文版)
Micro-electromechanical system technology - General rules for the assessment of micro-mechanical parameters
GB/T 23768-2009
无机化工产品 火焰原子吸收光谱法通则(中英文版)
Inorganic chemicals for industrial use - General rules for flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 13400.2-2009
网络计划技术 第2部分:网络图画法的一般规定(中英文版)
Network planning techniques - Part 2: General rules for representation of network diagram
GB/T 16594-2008
General rules for measurement of length in micron scale by SEM
GB/T 16900-2008
图形符号表示规则 总则(中英文版)
Rules for the presentation of graphical symbols - General principles
GB 16916.21-2008
家用和类似用途的不带过电流保护的剩余电流动作断路器(RCCB) 第21部分:一般规则对动作功能与电源电压无关的RCCB的适用性(中英文版)
Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCB) - Part 21:Applicability of the general rules to RCCB functionally independent of line voltage
GB 16917.22-2008
家用和类似用途的带过电流保护的剩余 电流动作断路器(RCBO) 第22部分:一般规则对动作功能与电源电压有关的RCBO的适用性(中英文版)
Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBO) - Part 22:Applicability of the general rules to RCBO functionally dependent of line voltage
GB 16917.21-2008
家用和类似用途的带过电流保护的剩余 电流动作断路器(RCBO) 第21部分:一般规则对动作功能与电源电压无关的RCBO的适用性(中英文版)
Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBO) Part 21:Applicability of the general rules to RCBO functionally independent of line voltage
GB 16916.22-2008
家用和类似用途的不带过电流保护的剩余电流动作断路器(RCCB) 第22部分:一般规则对动作功能与电源电压有关的RCCB的适用性(中英文版)
Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCB) - Part 22:Applicability of the general rules to RCCB functionally dependent of line voltage
GB 20800.3-2008
爆炸性环境用往复式内燃机防爆技术通则 第3部分:存在甲烷和(或)可燃性粉尘的地下矿区巷道用I类内燃机(中英文版)
General rules of explosion-protect techniques of reciprocating internal combustion engines for explosive atmospheres - Part 3: Group I engines for use in underground workings susceptible to firedamp and/or combustible dust
GB/T 14188-2008
General rules for selection and using of packaging materials with volatile corrosion inhibitor
GB/T 21409-2008
玻璃设备、管道和管件 检验、安装和使用的一般规则(中英文版)
Glass plant,pipeline and fitting - General rules for testing, handling and use
GB/T 21413.1-2008
铁路应用 机车车辆电气设备 第1部分: 一般使用条件和通用规则(中英文版)
Railway applications - Electric equipment for rolling stock - Part 1: General service conditions and general rules
GB 20800.2-2006
爆炸性环境用往复式内燃机防爆技术通则 第2部分:可燃性粉尘环境用Ⅱ类内燃机(中英文版)
General rules of explosion-protect techniques of reciprocating internal combustion engines for explosive atmospheres - Part 2: Group Ⅱengines for use in flammable dust atmospheres
GB 20800.1-2006
爆炸性环境用往复式内燃机防爆技术通则 第1部分:可燃性气体和蒸汽环境用 Ⅱ类内燃机(中英文版)
General rules of explosion-protect techniques of reciprocating internal combustion engines for explosive atmospheres - Part 1: Group Ⅱengines for use in flammable gas and vapor atmospheres
GB/T 20307-2006
General rules for nanometer-scale length measurement by SEM
GB/T 6681-2003
General rules for sampling gaseous chemical products
GB 13318-2003
General rules for safety and environmental conservation of forging production
GB/T 18178-2000
General rules of the selection for painting system of water paint
GB/T 16854.1-1997
职业病诊断标准的起草与表述规则 第1部分:职业病诊断标准编写的基本规定(中英文版)
Rules of drafting and presentation of diagnostic criteria of occupational disease--Part 1:General guideline for drafting diagnostic criteria of occupational disease
GB/T 3543.1-1995
农作物种子检验规程 总则(中英文版)
Rules for agricultural seed testing--General directives
GB/T 5721-1993
General rules of identification,packaging,transportation and storage for rubber sealing products

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